
I ain't dead or nothin'

Here's what's up. End of quarter. Lots of projects. Finals next week. After that I rejoin the living.
Right now, I have pictures. My camera got busted up on a trip to the zoo but Grandpa came to the rescue and gave me a new one. Well, new to me anyway. It's an awful lot better than the last one. So, I have some pictures from its first outing. On Flickr, I put up some pictures of DJ's graduation from Tiny Tots and then just some miscellaneous play ground stuff from after the ceremony. Tiny Tots is a pretty cool program run by the city. It's preschool that costs like 60 bucks for 5 months or something stupid-cheap like that. Mrs. B. was awesome. I also like that DJ was involved in anything that has "tiny" in the name. He's like seven times bigger than his class mates. Anyway he's done with that and next year he'll be Mr. Kindergarten. So yeah... Gotta run. Oh, here's a teaser:


At 6/04/2005 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, DJ! How cool that Brian Dennehy came to your ceremony and posed with you!

At 6/04/2005 12:22 PM, Blogger Jason said...

What can I say? The boy's connected.

At 6/06/2005 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Brad! That was funny. Congratulations to, the decidedly non-tiny, DJ.


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